Chrome Flags Page

Like most other chrome options you can find chrome flags by just typing chrome flags or about flags in the omnibox address search bar.
Chrome flags page. Wir verraten wie ihr die chrome flags aufrufen und damit google chrome. über die flags könnt ihr google chrome mit zusätzlichen optionen anpassen die in den browser einstellungen fehlen. Before you use any of these chrome flags you first need to know how to access them. Once chrome flags is open you ll see a long list of features that you can enable or disable.
In diesem artikel präsentieren wir ihnen einige flags die uns interessant erscheinen. Anschließen müssen sie im dropdown menü neben der flag auf enabled umschalten um die funktion zu aktivieren. Similarly sometimes google launches new features in chrome and provides hidden flags in experiments page for advanced users to manually deactivate and disable them. Lastly the buttons to enable disable or default an experiment have been moved to the right side.
Almost every website abuses the notification permission and incessantly prompts a dialog box to allow notifications. This improves the handling on touch devices. In this section we have mentioned chrome flags which are common and available on both desktop and smartphone devices be it windows android macos linux or chrome os. Chrome ist der weltweit am meisten genutzte internetbrowser sowohl auf desktop computern als auch auf smartphones.
You can easily search for specific features typing in the search box. Changing flags in chrome flags page is dangerous and sometimes it may cause issues. They can be found on the chrome flags page on any of the platforms. It puts all of chrome s pages into a nice tidy organized list.
How to access chrome flags. Each flag has details about which operating systems it works on chrome for windows mac linux chrome os android or all of those. We know how notifications have become almost a nuisance on google chrome. Type chrome flags in the chrome address bar and hit enter.
Press the enter key to open the flags page where you ll find all sorts of glorious goodies. The current chrome flags page lists all unavailable experiments at the bottom of the page. While you can see all of chrome s hidden pages on chrome about there s a nicer and more convenient way to do this. Make sure to pay attention to that some flags are only for other operating systems and may not work on your current os.
With a handy extension called hiddenchrome. You may also notice that the listing of flags is centered that the font size is larger and that there is more whitespace on the page. In other words it does not separate them into two tabs but displays all experiments on a single page. You ll find developer tools a quick link to the flags page internal diagnostics logs source code and all sorts of other goodies here.
Mit den von den usern aktivierten flags analysiert google welche funktionen in zukünftige versionen seines browsers integriert werden.